About Us

Shaylee Brown, BScN, RN

  • Shaylee is committed to providing custom and individualized aesthetic treatments that help people feel more confident in their own skin. Her approach is conservative and natural.

    Shaylee is always conscious of budget and will work collaboratively with her clients to help achieve their aesthetic goals.

    Shaylee specializes in anti-aging treatments for both younger and older clients. She approaches every consultation with the mentality that ‘less is more’.

  • Shaylee graduated from Trent University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) in 2019. Currently, Shaylee is studying a Master’s of Nursing Degree with a focus in Education at Athabasca University. To help provide her patients with the best treatments possible, Shaylee is working towards becoming a Nurse Practitioner.

  • Shaylee has been certified in cosmetic injectables since 2019. Her first year in the cosmetic field comprised of a one year apprenticeship program at one of the most popular clinics in Ottawa, ON. Canada. It was here that she learned cutting-edge skills and techniques that helped her become an extremely confident and experienced nurse injector.

    Shaylee continues to improve her skills and knowledge through on-going education. She completes training programs and mentorship programs yearly to stay competent and relevant within the field.

  • All treatments provided by Nurse Shay are performed under medical director supervision as expected by the CNO (Canadian College of Nurses).

    All administered products are FDA approved and of the highest quality and standard.

    Procedures are documented as per CNO guidelines and patient confidentiality is of the upmost importance.

CEO & Founder

Shaylee Brown, BScN, RN